In your BEEP account, you have collected data about your bees. Both your inspection data and the BEEP base data can be downloaded from the BEEP app. When you download the data, you receive an email with the data export. You can download a 'data export', with inspection data, and a 'device data export' which is an export of your device sensor measurements. 

The excel files contain different tabs with information. In this article we explain what each header means.

Data export 

This file contains four tabs, with information about 'user', 'apiaries', 'hives' and 'inspections'. The headers in each tab are self explanatory and give you general and specific information about your BEEP administration. If you have questions about this data export, you can send us a message

Device data export

Your device data export contains your sensor data. Attached to this article you find an overview with the sensor data definitions and their meaning. If you have questions about this data export, you can send us a message.