[Note: if you do not yet have access to this feature, please email support@beep.nl]

Using a mobile device in the apiary can be challenging. The offline data entry feature allows you to print out your checklist, which you can fill in by hand during your inspection. Later, you can take a photo of the completed checklist and upload it to your BEEP platform. The BEEP app will automatically read your handwriting and tick boxes, digitizing the information into the correct data categories. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to use this feature.

New inspection

  • Open the BEEP app.
  • Tap on the + icon in the middle of the top bar. 
  • Select 'New inspection'.

Paper inspection

  • Hover over the button 'Paper inspection' on the top right of the new inspection page to find more information.
  • Select 'Paper inspection'.
  • Select 'Digital inspection' to return to the digital checklist.

Print the checklist, fill it in manually. Upload photos of your inspection sheets later via the 'Upload paper inspection' button. The photos will then be automatically parsed and can be verified and saved like a normal (digital/online) inspection. 

Print checklist 

  • Select the checklist you would want to print. An example of the checklist will appear on your screen. 
  • Click on 'PRINT' in the top right corner.

  • Check your print settings and click on 'OK' to print the checklist.
  • You now have a printed version of your digital checklist.

Fill in your printed checklist 

  • Take the printed checklist to your apiary and fill it in by hand during your next inspection. 
  • Use a separate printout for each inspection. 

TIP:  Use all caps writing to improve accuracy when the characters are automatically recognized and digitized in the next steps.

Take photos of the filled checklist

  • After filling out the checklist, take photos of each page. 


  • Ensure all four block squares are visible in the corners of each photo. You may need to change the photo aspect ratio to 4:3. These blocks are essential for automatic data processing and character recognition.
  • Ensure there is sufficient light; use your camera's flashlight if necessary.
  • Make sure the photos are sharp.

Upload paper inspection 

  • Return to the BEEP app and tap the + icon in the middle of the screen. 
  • Select 'New inspection'. 
  • Select 'Upload paper inspection'. This can be done on your phone or another device.

"If you have completed a paper inspection, you can upload photos of your inspection sheets here. They will then be automatically parsed and can be verified and saved like a normal (digital/online) inspection." 

  • Select the printed checklist.
  • Select the language in which the checklist has been filled out.
  • Upload the images one by one.
  • Tap 'SEND PICTURES' in the top right corner.

"Make sure that the Print ID (and the name) is equal to the Print ID (and name) of your paper inspection. Otherwise the digitization process will not work. You can find the Print ID at the top right corner of each page, the name is printed at the top left corner. Please note: a digital checklist can be saved as a 'printed checklist' under different Print IDs, if any of its content has been changed in between print sessions. Edits to a digital checklist are therefore only reflected in a printed checklist if the checklist was printed after the changes were made. The date (and time) behind the name refer to when a specific version of the checklist was printed for the first time."

  • Once the inspection has been parsed and uploaded, check if all entries are recognised correctly. 
  • Click on the eye icon to view what the BEEP app recognised on your inspection sheet. 
  • Any issues with the automatic recogition will be indicated in the BEEP app. You can manually correct any incorrect entries.
  • When all entries are correct, click 'SAVE'.